ENGLISH Tesco Eat Fresh Frozen Lamb Bone

0,450,52 (-13%)

1 in stock

  • We set a goal while creating this lure: to achieve minimum presentation speed provided that the spoon remains at the required level. And the point was.
SKU: VS75520341230

We set a goal while creating this lure: to achieve minimum presentation speed provided that the spoon remains at the required level. And the point was gained! Short and wide spoon not only moves slowly, staying within sight of an expected trophy, but has a wide movement that could not leave indifferent even the most inactive fish, not only predatory fish.

While trolling the Air, especially small one, you may often catch red-eye, roach and even crucian! Air is very popular among such traditional “admirers” of spoons as pike, perch, asp, chub and ide. Moreover, this excellent lure is used for rainbow trout at commercial ponds. The spoon best acts in still water as well as on stream using upstream casting method. That is to say, in places where it is necessary to suspend in the water, actively move at the same time.


ENGLISH Tesco Eat Fresh Frozen Lamb Bone

0,450,52 (-13%)

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