1. Terms and definitions.

In this offer, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms have the following values are an integral part of it:
– “Seller” – a natural person-entrepreneur, another legal entity (natural person-entrepreneur) using the Internet store for the sale of Goods on the basis of the concluded contract; – “Buyer” – any natural person who concluded a contract with the Seller on the terms of this offer; – “Product” – the subject of the contract, the list of names of which is presented in the online store; – “Internet store” – the official online store of the Seller, located at internet address https://troutlure.eu/, intended for the conclusion of purchase and sale contracts remotely based on the Buyer’s familiarization with the proposed A description of the Goods by the Seller, which excludes the possibility of direct acquaintance of the Buyer with the Goods. – “Order” – Product selected by the Buyer from the list of Products presented in the online store and specified when placing the order and making payment.

2. General provisions.

2.1. A real public offer (hereinafter – the Agreement) is an official offer of the Seller to any person with legal capacity and with the necessary powers, to conclude a contract for the sale of the Goods remotely on the terms specified in this offer and containing all the essential terms of the contract.
2.2. Relations in the field of consumer rights protection are regulated by the Civil Code of Ukraine, the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and other regulatory and legal acts of Ukraine adopted in accordance with it.
2.3. The moment of complete and unconditional acceptance by the Buyer of the Seller’s offer (acceptance) to conclude an electronic contract for the purchase and sale of goods is considered the fact of payment By the buyer of the order under the terms of this Agreement, in the terms and at the prices specified in the Seller’s online store.
2.4. This Agreement regulates the purchase and sale of goods in the Internet store, including: – voluntary selection by the Buyer of goods in the Internet store; – independent ordering by the Buyer in the online store; – payment by the Buyer of the order placed in the online store; – processing and delivery of the order to the Buyer under the terms of this Agreement.

3. Subject of the Agreement.

3.1. The Seller undertakes to sell (transfer to the Buyer’s ownership) the Goods, and the Buyer undertakes to accept and pay for the Goods, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 3.2. The right of ownership of the Goods passes to the Buyer from the moment of the actual transfer of the Goods to the Buyer and payment by the latter of the full price of the Goods. risk of accidental death or damage to the Goods shall be transferred to the Buyer from the moment of the actual delivery of the Goods to the Buyer. 3.3. The prices for the Goods are determined by the Seller in a unilateral, undisputed manner and are indicated on the pages of the online store, located on the Internet at the address: https://troutlure.eu/ 3.4. The price of the product is indicated in hryvnias of Ukraine.

4. The moment of conclusion of the contract.

4.1. Acceptance of a genuine offer (Agreement) is the placing of an order for Goods by the Buyer in accordance with the terms of this offer.
4.2. The contract concluded on the basis of the Buyer’s acceptance of this offer is a contract of accession, to which the Buyer joins without any exceptions and/or reservations.
4.3. The fact of placing the Order by the Buyer is an indisputable fact that the Buyer accepts the terms of this Agreement, including the Buyer’s consent to the Seller sending him SMS messages about the status of his order and surveys to improve the quality of service to Buyers. The buyer who purchased the goods in the Seller’s online store (who placed an order for the Goods) is considered as a person who has entered into relations with the Seller under the terms of this Agreement.
4.4. The fact of placing the Order by the Buyer confirms the Buyer’s familiarization and agreement with the terms of payment and delivery of the goods.

5. Order processing procedure.

5.1. The buyer has the right to place an order for any Product presented in the online store and available.
5.2. Each item of the Product can be presented in the order in any quantity.
5.3. If the Goods are not in stock, the Seller’s manager is obliged to notify the Buyer of this fact by phone or e-mail.
5.4. If the Product is not available, the Buyer has the right to replace it with a product of a similar model, refuse this Product or cancel the Order.

6. Rights and obligations of the parties.
6.1. The seller undertakes:
6.1.1. From the moment of concluding this Agreement, ensure full fulfillment of all obligations to the Buyer in accordance with the terms hereof Agreement and current legislation.
6.1.2. Process the Buyer’s personal data and ensure their confidentiality in accordance with the procedure established by current legislation.
6.2. The seller has the right to:
6.2.1. Change this Agreement, the prices of the Goods and the services provided, the methods and terms of payment and delivery of the goods unilaterally, placing them on the pages Internet – store. All changes enter into force immediately after publication, and are considered to have been brought to the attention of the Buyer from the moment of such publication.
6.2.2. Without agreement with the Buyer, transfer your rights and obligations for the performance of the Agreement to third parties.
6.2.3. Before delivering the goods ordered by the Buyer, the Seller has the right to demand from the buyer 100% prepayment of the ordered goods. The seller has the right to refuse in the delivery of the Goods in the absence of such payment.
6.2.4. The Seller has the right not to deliver the Goods to the Buyer by courier to the address specified by the Buyer when placing the order and to hand over the Goods in the agreed upon The buyer is a pickup point.
6.2.5. The Seller has the right to limit the goods delivered to the Buyer at the same time.
6.2.6. The Seller has the right to send the Buyer messages of an advertising and informational nature by means of e-mail and sms-mails with information about discounts, promotions, new arrivals, etc. The frequency of mailings is determined by the Seller independently, unilaterally.
6.2.7. The Seller has the right to change the price of the Goods in connection with a change in stock after the Buyer has placed the Order, but before the payment of the Goods The buyer At the same time, the final price of the Order is subject to mandatory agreement with the Buyer by phone or using e-mail. If the Buyer does not agree with the changed value of the Goods, the Buyer has the right to cancel the Order.
6.3. The buyer undertakes:
6.3.1. Before concluding the Agreement, familiarize yourself with the content and conditions of the Agreement, the prices for the Goods offered by the Seller in the online store.
6.3.2. In order for the Seller to fulfill his obligations to the Buyer, the latter must provide all the necessary data that clearly identify him as the buyer, and sufficient to deliver the Goods paid for by the Buyer to the Buyer.
6.3.3. Pay for the ordered Product and its delivery under the terms of this Agreement, in accordance with the payment terms specified in the relevant section of the online store.
6.4. The buyer has the right to:
6.4.1. Demand from the Seller proper fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement;
6.4.2. The buyer has the right to refuse to receive e-mails and SMS.

7. Terms of delivery of the Order.

7.1. Delivery of the Goods to the Buyer is carried out within the terms agreed upon by the Parties upon confirmation of the order by the Seller’s employee and under the conditions set out in the relevant section of the online store. If the Buyer does not receive the order within the agreed time, the Seller has the right to cancel the order without further informing the Buyer. If the order is paid, the funds are returned to the Buyer within the time limit established by law.
7.2. In the case of courier delivery of the Goods, the Buyer, with his signature on the goods invoice, confirms the absence of claims to the completeness of the Order, the quantity and appearance of the Goods.
7.3. After receiving the Order, claims regarding the quantity, completeness and type of the Goods are not accepted.

8. Liability of the parties.
8.1. The parties are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the terms of this agreement in the manner stipulated by the Agreement and in force legislation of Ukraine.
8.2. The seller is not responsible for: – for a slight inconsistency in the color range of the product, which may differ from the original Product solely due to different color rendering of personal computer monitors computers of individual models;
– for the content and truthfulness of the information provided by the Buyer when placing the Order;
– for delays and interruptions in the provision of services (Order processing and delivery of Goods) that occur for reasons beyond the scope of his control;
– for unlawful and illegal actions carried out by the Buyer using access to the Internet;
– for the transfer by the Buyer of his network identifiers – IP, MAC address, login and password to third parties;
– due to changes by the manufacturer in the configuration / characteristics of the Product;
– for information from other open sources about analogues of the Goods.
8.3. The buyer, using the access to the Internet provided to him, is independently responsible for the damage caused by his actions (personally, even if another person was under his login) to persons or their property, legal entities, the state or moral principles of society.
8.4. In the event of force majeure, the parties are released from the obligations of this Agreement. Circumstances of force majeure for the purposes of this contract mean events of an extraordinary, unforeseen nature that exclude or objectively prevent the performance of this contract.
9. Other conditions
9.1. The use of the online store resource for a preview of the Product, as well as for placing an order is free of charge for the Buyer.
9.2. The parties have the right to terminate this Agreement unilaterally, in case of non-fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement by one of the parties and in cases, provided by the current legislation of Ukraine.
9.3. The parties will try to resolve all disputes related to non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this contract during negotiations.
9.4. In the event of failure to reach an agreement during the negotiations, the disputes will be resolved in court in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

10. The procedure for returning goods of appropriate quality.

10.1. The return of the Goods to the seller is carried out in accordance with the terms of the current legislation of Ukraine.
10.2. The return of the Goods is carried out at the expense of the Buyer.
10.3. When the Buyer returns the goods of proper quality, the Seller returns the money paid for the Goods to the Buyer upon the fact of returning the Goods within the period established by the current legislation of Ukraine.

11. Withdrawal of the offer.

Withdrawal of the offer (Contract) can be carried out by the Seller at any time, which is not a reason for waiving the Seller’s obligations under the same concluded contracts. The seller undertakes to post a notice of withdrawal of the offer on the website of the online store, indicating the exact time of the withdrawal of the offer, at least 12 hours before the event of withdrawal (termination) of the offer. We draw your attention to the fact that the online store “troutlure.eu” on the official website https://troutlure.eu/ has the right, in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, to grant the right to use the internet platform to other FPOs and legal entities for the sale of the Goods. At the same time, the terms of this Agreement apply to the aforementioned legal entities and FOP in full.
